Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Response to McNeil column

Mr. McNeil:
If anything, we need more military recruiters on our high school and college campuses! A military career is a very viable one and also a necessary one in the defense of our country.
I was not surprised that you are so adamantly against any kind of program which would result in helping defend this country. If memory serves, you were one of the cowards who high-tailed it out of this country instead of BEING A MAN and defending it during the Viet Nam war.
You sure seem to enjoy the freedoms we have but you are unwilling to defend those freedoms.
It seems that you have a problem with our military recruiting minorities like blacks and Hispanics (by the way, "Latinos" died out centuries ago....and if anyone has the right to that moniker, it is the ITALIANS!)
Military recruitment and training of minorities is the best thing to have happened to them. For the first time, they will learn DISCIPLINE! They will learn what proper behavior is all about ..... and it is not about jivin' all over the place, wearing your pants with your rear end exposed, joining criminal gangs and bringing BASTARD children into this world and going on welfare!
It's high time minorities stopped mooching off the rest of us and get their act together. Going into the military will get them off the streets. Because education is not valued by either the black or hispanic culture, these people are UNEMPLOYABLE! The military will teach them some incentive. So what if there is a possibility that the military jobs might not be transferable into the civilian sector. These people will learn how to study and they can train in trade schools when their tours of duty are over.
There was a book I saw recently, with the title, "Don't Feed the Blacks!" It was written by Ken "The Black Avenger" Hamblin, a talk show host who lives in Colorado!
In case you think I'm some old fogie from a generation with one foot on the banana peel, please be advised that I'm 23 years old and a graduate student at a top private university in this area. My ancestors fought in the Revolutionary War, the War of 1912, the Mexican American War, the War Between the States, World War I, World War II, Korea, Viet Nam, The Gulf War and I have two brothers currently serving in the Iraq War plus a cousin who is with Special Forces in Afghanistan. They joined the military on September 12, 2001! A third brother will finish high school in June and he has been RECRUITED to the Marine Corps and starts his basic training in July.
God bless America!
Elizabeth XXXX
Berkeley (FYI, not all people in Berkeley are idiots!)


A good American said...

Mr McNeil needs to get on with his life. People who yell "racism" tend to be the most racist. The military is one of the best in the world and I am proud of them. Lets not look to slavery, racism etc. Lets look to the good things that have happened in San Pablo. He never talks about that. We need someone with a fresh view.

Tanya said...

Yet another pretender to the throne. Chuck, to be quite frank, your comments reflect immaturity and extreme igorance. Although it seems you fancy yourself an intellectual, your are not. You ought to note that at the time the Vietnam "War" commenced and when the U.S. began its military deployment, Blacks didn't even have the right to vote. Further, they had few, if any, basic human rights. Would it really make sense for a people who were enslaved only 100 years prior to support (through sacrifice of life and limb) those who perpetuate Black disenfranchisement in a campaign that was not theirs to wage? Logical answer: a resounding NO!; Racist answer: Yes! And pass me a mint julep while you're at it. Now, regarding "Latino/a," it definitively has to do with geographic origin and language. "Died out?" Who let you in their university? Regarding your dictates for minorities and the military: you're not qualified to comment on what minorities ought to do (a shedding of the "slave master" mentality is in order here). While we know about your family, what war did you fight in? Blacks built this country (service complete: compensation still pending). Latinos sustain this country (service complete: recognition pending). Chuck, what have you done for your country? Your unbridled expressions, backed by your unabated ignorance, suggest that you could use the very DISCIPLINE that you say minorities need. Although it's good that you're allegedly in school, your comments give credence to the various sayings that a fool in school = an educated fool. Unfortunately our system of higher education has yet to acquire the power to impart wisdom to the ignorant. Should such a feat be accomplished, please make sure you're first in line to partake of the benefits. Lastly, only "A REAL MAN" can stand in defiance of his government when his government is wrong. Remember, a government is composed of human beings who are subject to poor judgment,vice, and ulterior motives. The beauty of America is that those so inclined can follow the directives of a fool (have at it, Chuck)and those so persuaded can follow the wise dictates of his own conscience (great example, Leonard).